import re import numpy as np from ase.dft.kpoints import get_bandpath, special_paths, special_points def isstring(obj): return hasattr(obj, 'isalnum') # Actually this method should probably call get_special_points() # since some of them depend on the cell. (Then of course we must provide # the cell) def normalize_special_points(lattice, symbols=None): """Convert special k-point symbols (G, M, ...) into coordinates. See also get_band_path. symbols can be a single string (e.g. 'GXWK') or a list. If symbols is a list, elements may be strings or vectors (kx, ky, kx). If symbols is None, a standard path is chosen. Returns a list of symbols and an array of coordinates.""" try: special = special_points[lattice] except KeyError: raise KeyError('No lattice "%s". Lattices: %s' % (lattice, list(special_points.keys()))) if symbols is None: symbols = special_paths[lattice][0] # Is this a good default? elif isstring(symbols): # Convert strings like 'GHXMH1' into ['G', 'H', ..., 'H1'] # Also works if one of them is 'Gamma' which is used somewhere. symbols = [name for name in re.split(r'([A-Z][a-z0-9]*)', symbols) if name] # Convert symbols into coordinates: coords = [] for kpt in symbols: if isstring(kpt): if kpt not in special: raise KeyError('No special point "%s" for lattice %s. ' 'Special points: %s' % (kpt, lattice, list(special.keys()))) kpt = special[kpt] # Sym could also be a vector (kx, ky, kz) assert np.shape(kpt) == (3,) coords.append(kpt) symbols = [str(sym) for sym in symbols] coords = np.array(coords, float) return symbols, coords def get_band_structure(atoms, lattice, symbols=None, npoints=50): symbols, special_kpts = normalize_special_points(lattice, symbols) kpts, xcoords, special_xcoords = get_bandpath(special_kpts, atoms.cell, npoints) # Maybe change get_band_path so it returns an object? band_path = BandPath(lattice, symbols, special_kpts, special_xcoords, kpts, xcoords) calc = atoms.get_calculator() # XXX how many calculators support set? calc.set(kpts=kpts) calc.calculate(atoms) # XXX spin polarized? # XXX Why does calc.get_eigenvalues() not just return # a [spin x kpts x bands] array by default? energies = [] for s in range(calc.get_number_of_spins()): energies.append([calc.get_eigenvalues(kpt=k, spin=s) for k in range(len(kpts))]) energies = np.array(energies) return BandStructure(band_path, energies) class BandPath: def __init__(self, lattice, symbols, special_kpts, special_xcoords, kpts, xcoords): self.lattice = lattice # 'fcc' or similar self.symbols = symbols # 'G', 'K', '[0.5, 0.5, 0.0]', 'M', ... self.special_kpts = special_kpts # Special k-points self.special_xcoords = special_xcoords self.kpts = kpts self.xcoords = xcoords # Implement read(), write() class BandStructure: # Should BandStructure and BandPath be the same object? # We could add an occupations array and do some more stuff with this # object, which would then be worth a separate class def __init__(self, band_path, energies): self.band_path = band_path self.energies = energies # Relevant to have Fermi energy? # Save occupations too for some reason? def plot(self, ax=None, spin=None): if ax is None: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ax = plt.gca() path = self.band_path def pretty(kpt): return r'$\Gamma$' if kpt in ['G', 'Gamma'] else kpt if spin is None: e_skn = self.energies else: e_skn = self.energies[spin][None] for spin, e_kn in enumerate(self.energies): color = 'br'[spin] for e_k in e_kn.T: ax.plot(path.xcoords, e_k, marker='.', ls='-', color=color) ax.set_xticks(path.special_xcoords) ax.set_xticklabels([pretty(name) for name in path.symbols]) ax.axis(xmin=0, xmax=path.xcoords[-1]) return ax # Implement read/write def main2(): from gpaw import GPAW, PW, MixerSum from import bulk atoms = bulk('Fe', 'bcc') atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([1.] * len(atoms)) calc = GPAW(mode=PW(300), mixer=MixerSum(), kpts=(4, 4, 4), nbands='200%') atoms.calc = calc atoms.get_potential_energy() calc.set(fixdensity=True, symmetry='off') bs = get_band_structure(atoms, 'bcc', npoints=30) bs.plot() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main(): from gpaw import GPAW, PW from import bulk si = bulk('Si', crystalstructure='diamond', a=5.4) calc = GPAW(mode=PW(250), nbands='200%') si.calc = calc si.get_potential_energy() eFermi = calc.get_fermi_level() calc.set(fixdensity=True, symmetry='off') bs = get_band_structure(si, 'fcc', 'GXWKGLUWLK', npoints=60) # Also possible: #bs = get_band_structure(si, 'fcc', ['G', [0., .5, 0.], 'X'], npoints=20) ax = bs.plot() # Maybe: bs.get_dos()? bs2 = bs.fold_bands(...)? # Should we save eFermi and other things in BS object? # How many decorations should the plot() function add? ax.axis(ymax=eFermi + 10) ax.grid(axis='x') ax.axhline(eFermi, color='k') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if __name__ == '__main__': main()