from gpaw.hgh import HGHParameterSet, HGHSetupData from gpaw import GPAW from gpaw.basis_data import BasisPlotter from ase import Atoms # Hand-written dummy HGH parameter set: hghparam = HGHParameterSet('He', Z=2, Nv=2, rloc=0.1, c_n=[], v_l=[]) # Build arrays etc. as a GPAW-style "setupdata" object: setupdata = HGHSetupData(hghparam) atoms = Atoms('He') atoms.calc = GPAW(setups={'He': setupdata}) atoms.get_potential_energy() # Get basis functions for plotting. # This method is called internally when the calculation runs, # so these BFs are the same as those used in the computation: bfs = setupdata.create_basis_functions() # Show basis functions: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plotter = BasisPlotter() plotter.plot(bfs)