import os import sys import time import platform from math import log import numpy as np import ase from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree from import chemical_symbols from ase.version import version as ase_version import gpaw import _gpaw from gpaw.version import version from gpaw.utilities import devnull from gpaw.utilities.memory import maxrss from gpaw import dry_run, extra_parameters def initialize_text_stream(txt, rank, old_txt=None): """Set the stream for text output. If `txt` is not a stream-object, then it must be one of: * None: Throw output away. * '-': Use standard-output (``sys.stdout``). * A filename: Open a new file. """ firsttime = (old_txt is None) if txt is None or rank != 0: return devnull, firsttime elif txt == '-': return sys.stdout, firsttime elif isinstance(txt, str): if isinstance(old_txt, file) and == txt: return old_txt, firsttime else: if not firsttime: # We want every file to start with the logo, so # that the function will recognize # it as a GPAW text file. firsttime = True # Open the file line buffered. return open(txt, 'w', 1), firsttime else: assert hasattr(txt, 'write'), 'Not a stream object!' return txt, firsttime return old_txt, firsttime class PAWTextOutput: """Class for handling all text output.""" def __init__(self): self.txt = devnull def set_text(self, txt, verbose=True): """Set the stream for text output. If `txt` is not a stream-object, then it must be one of: * None: Throw output away. * '-': Use standard-output (``sys.stdout``). * A filename: Open a new file. """ self.verbose = verbose self.txt, firsttime = initialize_text_stream(txt,, self.txt) if firsttime: self.print_logo() def text(self, *args, **kwargs): self.txt.write(kwargs.get('sep', ' ').join([str(arg) for arg in args]) + kwargs.get('end', '\n')) def print_logo(self): self.text() self.text(' ___ ___ ___ _ _ _ ') self.text(' | | |_ | | | | ') self.text(' | | | | | . | | | | ') self.text(' |__ | _|___|_____| ', version) self.text(' |___|_| ') self.text() uname = platform.uname() self.text('User: ', os.getenv('USER', '???') + '@' + uname[1]) self.text('Date: ', time.asctime()) self.text('Arch: ', uname[4]) self.text('Pid: ', os.getpid()) self.text('gpaw: ', os.path.dirname(gpaw.__file__)) # Find C-code: c = getattr(_gpaw, '__file__', None) if not c: c = sys.executable self.text('_gpaw:', os.path.normpath(c)) self.text('ase: %s (version %s)' % (os.path.dirname(ase.__file__), ase_version)) self.text('numpy: %s (version %s)' % (os.path.dirname(np.__file__), np.version.version)) try: import scipy as sp self.text('scipy: %s (version %s)' % (os.path.dirname(sp.__file__), sp.version.version)) # Explicitly deleting SciPy seems to remove garbage collection # problem of unknown cause del sp except ImportError: self.text('scipy: Not available') self.text('units: Angstrom and eV') self.text('cores:', if gpaw.debug: self.text('DEBUG MODE') if extra_parameters: self.text('Extra parameters:', extra_parameters) def print_cell_and_parameters(self): self.plot_atoms(self.atoms) self.print_unit_cell(self.atoms.get_positions() / Bohr) self.print_parameters() def print_unit_cell(self, pos_ac): self.text() self.text('Unit Cell:') self.text(' Periodic X Y Z' + ' Points Spacing') self.text(' -----------------------------------------------' + '---------------------') gd = h_c = gd.get_grid_spacings() pbc_c = self.atoms.pbc for c in range(3): self.text(' %d. axis: %s %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f %3d %8.4f' % ((c + 1, ['no ', 'yes'][int(pbc_c[c])]) + tuple(Bohr * gd.cell_cv[c]) + (gd.N_c[c], Bohr * h_c[c]))) self.text() def print_positions(self): t = self.text t() t('Positions:') symbols = self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols() for a, pos_c in enumerate(self.atoms.get_positions()): symbol = symbols[a] t('%3d %-2s %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f' % ((a, symbol) + tuple(pos_c))) t() def print_parameters(self): t = self.text p = self.input_parameters # Write PAW setup information in order of appearance: ids = set() for id in self.wfs.setups.id_a: if id in ids: continue ids.add(id) setup = self.wfs.setups.setups[id] setup.print_info(self.text) basis_descr = setup.get_basis_description() t(basis_descr) t() t('Using the %s Exchange-Correlation Functional.' % if self.wfs.nspins == 2: t('Spin-Polarized Calculation.') t('Magnetic Moment: (%.6f, %.6f, %.6f)' % tuple(self.density.magmom_av.sum(0)), end='') if self.occupations.fixmagmom: t('(fixed)') else: t() else: t('Spin-Paired Calculation') t('Total Charge: %.6f' % p['charge']) t('Fermi Temperature: %.6f' % (self.occupations.width * Hartree)) self.wfs.summary(self.txt) t('Eigensolver: %s' % self.wfs.eigensolver) self.hamiltonian.summary(self.txt) t('Reference Energy: %.6f' % (self.wfs.setups.Eref * Hartree)) t() nibzkpts = self.wfs.kd.nibzkpts # Print parallelization details t('Total number of cores used: %d' % if self.wfs.kd.comm.size > 1: # kpt/spin parallization if self.wfs.nspins == 2 and nibzkpts == 1: t('Parallelization over spin') elif self.wfs.nspins == 2: t('Parallelization over k-points and spin: %d' % self.wfs.kd.comm.size) else: t('Parallelization over k-points: %d' % self.wfs.kd.comm.size) if > 1: # domain parallelization t('Domain Decomposition: %d x %d x %d' % tuple( if > 1: # band parallelization t('Parallelization over states: %d' % if self.wfs.mode == 'fd': # XXX Why is this not in wfs summary? -askhl # Also, why wouldn't PW mode use the diagonalizer? if self.wfs.diagksl.buffer_size is not None: t('MatrixOperator buffer_size (KiB): %d' % self.wfs.diagksl.buffer_size) else: t('MatrixOperator buffer_size: default value or \n' + ' %s see value of nblock in input file' % (26 * ' ')) diagonalizer_layout = self.wfs.diagksl.get_description() t('Diagonalizer layout: ' + diagonalizer_layout) orthonormalizer_layout = self.wfs.orthoksl.get_description() t('Orthonormalizer layout: ' + orthonormalizer_layout) t() self.wfs.kd.symmetry.print_symmetries(self.txt) t(self.wfs.kd.description) t(('%d k-point%s in the Irreducible Part of the Brillouin Zone') % (nibzkpts, ' s'[1:nibzkpts])) kd = self.wfs.kd w_k = kd.weight_k * kd.nbzkpts assert np.allclose(w_k, w_k.round()) w_k = w_k.round() t() t(' k-points in crystal coordinates weights') for k in range(nibzkpts): if k < 10 or k == nibzkpts - 1: t('%4d: %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f %6d/%d' % ((k,) + tuple(kd.ibzk_kc[k]) + (w_k[k], kd.nbzkpts))) elif k == 10: t(' ...') t() if self.scf.fixdensity > self.scf.maxiter: t('Fixing the initial density') else: mixer = self.density.mixer t('Mixer Type:', mixer.__class__.__name__) t('Linear Mixing Parameter: %g' % mixer.beta) t('Mixing with %d Old Densities' % mixer.nmaxold) if mixer.weight == 1: t('No Damping of Long Wave Oscillations') else: t('Damping of Long Wave Oscillations: %g' % mixer.weight) cc = p['convergence'] t() t('Convergence Criteria:') t(' Total Energy Change: %g eV / electron' % (cc['energy'])) t(' Integral of Absolute Density Change: %g electrons' % cc['density']) t(' Integral of Absolute Eigenstate Change: %g eV^2' % cc['eigenstates']) t('Number of Atoms: %d' % len(self.wfs.setups)) t('Number of Atomic Orbitals: %d' % self.wfs.setups.nao) if self.nbands_parallelization_adjustment != 0: t('Adjusting Number of Bands by %+d to Match Parallelization' % self.nbands_parallelization_adjustment) t('Number of Bands in Calculation: %d' % t('Bands to Converge: ', end='') if cc['bands'] == 'occupied': t('Occupied States Only') elif cc['bands'] == 'all': t('All') else: t('%d Lowest Bands' % cc['bands']) t('Number of Valence Electrons: %g' % (self.wfs.setups.nvalence - p.charge)) def print_converged(self, iter): t = self.text t('------------------------------------') t('Converged After %d Iterations.' % iter) t() self.print_all_information() def print_all_information(self): t = self.text if len(self.atoms) == 1: t('Energy Contributions Relative to Reference Atom:', end='') else: t('Energy Contributions Relative to Reference Atoms:', end='') t('(reference = %.6f)' % (self.wfs.setups.Eref * Hartree)) t('-------------------------') energies = [('Kinetic: ', self.hamiltonian.Ekin), ('Potential: ', self.hamiltonian.Epot), ('External: ', self.hamiltonian.Eext), ('XC: ', self.hamiltonian.Exc), ('Entropy (-ST):', -self.hamiltonian.S), ('Local: ', self.hamiltonian.Ebar)] for name, e in energies: t('%-14s %+11.6f' % (name, Hartree * e)) t('-------------------------') t('Free Energy: %+11.6f' % (Hartree * self.hamiltonian.Etot)) t('Zero Kelvin: %+11.6f' % (Hartree * (self.hamiltonian.Etot + 0.5 * self.hamiltonian.S))) t() self.occupations.print_fermi_level(self.txt) self.print_eigenvalues() self.hamiltonian.xc.summary(self.txt) t() try: dipole = self.get_dipole_moment() except NotImplementedError: pass else: if self.density.charge == 0: t('Dipole Moment: %s' % dipole) else: t('Center of Charge: %s' % (dipole / abs(self.density.charge))) try: c = self.hamiltonian.poisson.corrector.c epsF = self.occupations.fermilevel except AttributeError: pass else: wf_a = -epsF * Hartree - dipole[c] wf_b = -epsF * Hartree + dipole[c] t('Dipole-corrected work function: %f, %f' % (wf_a, wf_b)) if self.wfs.nspins == 2: t() magmom = self.occupations.magmom t('Total Magnetic Moment: %f' % magmom) try: # XXX This doesn't always work, HGH, SIC, ... sc = self.density.get_spin_contamination(self.atoms, int(magmom < 0)) t('Spin contamination: %f electrons' % sc) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass t('Local Magnetic Moments:') for a, mom in enumerate(self.get_magnetic_moments()): t(a, mom) t() elif not self.wfs.collinear: self.txt.write('Local Magnetic Moments:\n') for a, mom_v in enumerate(self.get_magnetic_moments()): self.txt.write('%4d (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)\n' % (a, mom_v[0], mom_v[1], mom_v[2])) def print_iteration(self, iter): # Output from each iteration: t = self.text nvalence = self.wfs.setups.nvalence - self.input_parameters.charge if nvalence > 0: eigerr = self.scf.eigenstates_error * Hartree**2 / nvalence else: eigerr = 0.0 if self.verbose != 0: T = time.localtime() t() t('------------------------------------') t('iter: %d %d:%02d:%02d' % (iter, T[3], T[4], T[5])) t() t('Poisson Solver Converged in %d Iterations' % self.hamiltonian.npoisson) t('Fermi Level Found in %d Iterations' % self.occupations.niter) t('Error in Wave Functions: %.13f' % eigerr) t() self.print_all_information() else: if iter == 1: header = """\ log10-error: Total Iterations: Time WFS Density Energy Fermi Poisson""" if self.wfs.nspins == 2: header += ' MagMom' t(header) T = time.localtime() if eigerr == 0.0: eigerr = '' else: eigerr = '%+.2f' % (log(eigerr) / log(10)) denserr = self.density.mixer.get_charge_sloshing() if denserr is None or denserr == 0 or nvalence == 0: denserr = '' else: denserr = '%+.2f' % (log(denserr / nvalence) / log(10)) niterocc = self.occupations.niter if niterocc == -1: niterocc = '' else: niterocc = '%d' % niterocc if self.hamiltonian.npoisson == 0: niterpoisson = '' else: niterpoisson = str(self.hamiltonian.npoisson) t('iter: %3d %02d:%02d:%02d %6s %6s %11.6f %-5s %-7s' % (iter, T[3], T[4], T[5], eigerr, denserr, Hartree * (self.hamiltonian.Etot + 0.5 * self.hamiltonian.S), niterocc, niterpoisson), end='') if self.wfs.nspins == 2: t(' %+.4f' % self.occupations.magmom) else: t() self.txt.flush() def print_forces(self): if self.forces.F_av is None: return t = self.text t() t('Forces in eV/Ang:') c = Hartree / Bohr symbols = self.atoms.get_chemical_symbols() for a, symbol in enumerate(symbols): t('%3d %-2s %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f' % ((a, symbol) + tuple(self.forces.F_av[a] * c))) def print_eigenvalues(self): """Print eigenvalues and occupation numbers.""" self.text(eigenvalue_string(self)) def plot_atoms(self, atoms): self.text(plot(atoms)) def __del__(self): """Destructor: Write timing output before closing.""" if not dry_run: mr = maxrss() if mr > 0: if mr < 1024.0**3: self.text('Memory usage: %.2f MiB' % (mr / 1024.0**2)) else: self.text('Memory usage: %.2f GiB' % (mr / 1024.0**3)) self.timer.write(self.txt) def eigenvalue_string(paw, comment=None): """ Write eigenvalues and occupation numbers into a string. The parameter comment can be used to comment out non-numers, for example to escape it for gnuplot. """ if not comment: comment = ' ' if len(paw.wfs.kd.ibzk_kc) > 1: # not implemented yet: return '' s = '' if paw.wfs.nspins == 1: s += comment + 'Band Eigenvalues Occupancy\n' eps_n = paw.get_eigenvalues(kpt=0, spin=0) f_n = paw.get_occupation_numbers(kpt=0, spin=0) if == 0: for n in range( s += ('%4d %10.5f %10.5f\n' % (n, eps_n[n], f_n[n])) else: s += comment + ' Up Down\n' s += comment + 'Band Eigenvalues Occupancy Eigenvalues Occupancy\n' epsa_n = paw.get_eigenvalues(kpt=0, spin=0, broadcast=False) epsb_n = paw.get_eigenvalues(kpt=0, spin=1, broadcast=False) fa_n = paw.get_occupation_numbers(kpt=0, spin=0, broadcast=False) fb_n = paw.get_occupation_numbers(kpt=0, spin=1, broadcast=False) if == 0: for n in range( s += (' %4d %11.5f %9.5f %11.5f %9.5f\n' % (n, epsa_n[n], fa_n[n], epsb_n[n], fb_n[n])) return s def plot(atoms): """Ascii-art plot of the atoms.""" ## y ## | ## .-- x ## / ## z cell_cv = atoms.get_cell() if (cell_cv - np.diag(cell_cv.diagonal())).any(): atoms = atoms.copy() atoms.cell = [1, 1, 1] cell_cv = atoms.get_cell() plot_box = False else: plot_box = True cell = np.diagonal(cell_cv) / Bohr positions = atoms.get_positions() / Bohr numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() s = 1.3 nx, ny, nz = n = (s * cell * (1.0, 0.25, 0.5) + 0.5).astype(int) sx, sy, sz = n / cell grid = Grid(nx + ny + 4, nz + ny + 1) positions = (positions % cell + cell) % cell ij =, [(sx, 0), (sy, sy), (0, sz)]) ij = np.around(ij).astype(int) for a, Z in enumerate(numbers): symbol = chemical_symbols[Z] i, j = ij[a] depth = positions[a, 1] for n, c in enumerate(symbol): grid.put(c, i + n + 1, j, depth) if plot_box: k = 0 for i, j in [(1, 0), (1 + nx, 0)]: grid.put('*', i, j) grid.put('.', i + ny, j + ny) if k == 0: grid.put('*', i, j + nz) grid.put('.', i + ny, j + nz + ny) for y in range(1, ny): grid.put('/', i + y, j + y, y / sy) if k == 0: grid.put('/', i + y, j + y + nz, y / sy) for z in range(1, nz): if k == 0: grid.put('|', i, j + z) grid.put('|', i + ny, j + z + ny) k = 1 for i, j in [(1, 0), (1, nz)]: for x in range(1, nx): if k == 1: grid.put('-', i + x, j) grid.put('-', i + x + ny, j + ny) k = 0 return '\n'.join([''.join([chr(x) for x in line]) for line in np.transpose(grid.grid)[::-1]]) class Grid: def __init__(self, i, j): self.grid = np.zeros((i, j), np.int8) self.grid[:] = ord(' ') self.depth = np.zeros((i, j)) self.depth[:] = 1e10 def put(self, c, i, j, depth=1e9): if depth < self.depth[i, j]: self.grid[i, j] = ord(c) self.depth[i, j] = depth